Friday 16 November 2012

So this isn't your normal "OOTD" or "beauty review". This is something of much greater importance. As some of you may or may not know, I work in the animal industry. and have recently been working at the RSPCA.  
They have a serious problem with the amount of cats that they have to take in, this week alone they have taken in 20 cats, and only a few have been rehomed. Literally, they have had to turn their kitchen into a pen, and cats are sleeping in the sink.

I've socialised most of these cats and they are all adorable. Why anyone would want to abandon and mistreat them I do not understand.

 These are some of the kittys i've been socialising this week.
Yes it really is my job to play with cats all day. 
Its not all fun though. This poor pigeon was bought in after someone had spray painted it pink. It will now live in captivity for the rest of its life.

The RSPCA is a charity, so any donations are also put to great use helping animals. Most individual RSPCA animal homes also have amazon wishlists, so if you can't adopt an animal yourself you can buy gifts and treats for the animals!


  1. gorgeous animals, lovely blog:)

  2. Aww the poor cats :( I just want to take them all home with me! This was a great post <3

  3. aah they're all so adorable! i admire you for helping the RSPCA out, i never could as i'd want to take every single one home. i literally couldn't leave them!

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my new xmas giveaway to win lots of presents from lush and more! click here :)
