Thursday 1 November 2012

New jewellery!

I've had my ears stretched since I was 15, so about 9 years now (wow that makes me feel old!).
They've been stretched upto about 28mm, which on my tiny ears was ridiculous, and I look back now and wonder what I was thinking! As they were so large they'll never shrink back to normal, so I have to just make do with having these 12mm which are the smallest I can go. 
Everytime I go into a shop I see so many nice little cute earrings but alas, there is no way they'd stay in my saggy ears :(
So i've been on the look out for some attractive plugs. 
I'm rally into crystals/precious stones and their properties so I bought these amazonite plugs.

(sorry for the bad quality picture, the lighting is terrible at the moment!)
It is believed that amazonite creates a balance between masculine and feminine energy and promotes kindness and practicality. It promotes physical stamina and helps to balance your emotions.

I also found these beautys on etsy that i've persuaded my boyfriend to get me as part of my christmas present.
They contain real "lucky" heather and I just love them, they are so pretty!

Does anyone else have their ears stretched?  Where do you buy your pretty jewellery from?

1 comment:

  1. The heather plugs are fabulous! I am always drawn towards stretched ears but wonder what I'd do on occasions that call for something more feminine and these are so perfect.

    I love your blog by the way :) I'm new too ha.
