Saturday 3 November 2012

I always start my christmas shopping really early. I tend to buy one present a month, that way when it comes to getting novembers wage I don't have to spend it all on presents (it usually all gets spent on christmas party dresses!)
My sister in law and her boyfriend have just moved in together at uni, so I wanted to get them a joint present for their flat. 
I saw these amazing scrabble cushions on someone elses blog and had to check them out.
 I got one for each of their initials and I think they'll look great on their sofa or bed. 
Customer service over at  is great, all my questions were answered quickly and professionally and I can't fault this service at all! They came really nicely packaged, tied with string and these little hand-printed cards, which added a lovely touch.
They are only £4.50 each, which is great when you take into consideration these are handmade. If you were to buy these on the high street (or elsewhere on the internet) you're looking at about £25!
I couldn't recommend these enough!

(yes that is hello kitty bedding, i'm not sorry)



  1. I love those cushions! Might have to get some for my bed!

    Love your blog, am now following, check mine out?! xx

  2. awh, these are amazing! such a lovely idea for a christmas present too :)xo
